Explore Our Goverment

We are offering the following information's about us that what we actually.

Research Development and Innovation

City employment issue opportunities are position descriptions are listed.
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Projects and Technology Transfer

To coordinate, promote and facilitate project development and implementation as well as technology transfer across all sectors.
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Quality Assurance and Standards

To regulate Technical and Vocational Education Training (TVET) through the provision of relevant, responsive curricula, valid, reliable national examinations, trade tests, qualification equivalences and the accreditation as well as monitoring of independent TVET institutions.
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Tertiary Education Programmes

To develop policies and Science and Technology – led programmes for human capital development in tertiary education institutions.
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Higher Education Programmes

To coordinate and monitor university education
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Finance And Administration

To provide Financial and Administrative support to the Ministry.
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Human Resources Department

Provide and manage human skills capital requirements for the Ministry
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Legal Services

To provide legal advice to the Ministry and its stakeholders.
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Zimbabwe National Commission for UNESCO

To co-ordinate, execute and monitor UNESCO’s programmes in Education, Sciences, Culture, Communication and Information for the promotion of activities that contribute towards peace and the wellbeing of society in Zimbabwe.
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Connect With Us

6th Floor, Block F Mgandane Dlodlo Building

Cnr Simon V.Muzenda Street and Samora Machel Avenue

Mon – Fri: 8:00 am – 4:30 pm

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