To coordinate, promote and facilitate project development and implementation as well as technology transfer across all sectors.
The Department undertakes to:
- identify technology needs/gaps within national projects/programmes every calendar year;
- identify technologies in the public domain for applications within private and public institutions;
- coordinate capacity building initiatives for effective transfer of technical know-how twice per year;
- coordinate mainstreaming of cross cutting projects/programmes in STEM (Women in Science, GO SPIN, Climate Change Engineering Needs & Numbers, Global Change Initiatives including post Rio+20 agenda, Future Earth, ); and
- promote and popularise science and technology through effective use of scientific applications for societal benefits twice a
- prepare and publish, by 20 December, an annual report on all technologies locally developed and commercialised – including those industries established each year; and
- conduct reviews on Science, Technology and Innovation Policy including other sector-specific policies once every five years to align them to socio- economic developmental requirements and global trends.